Michał Németh
Michał Németh, PhD, Head of the Research Centre for Language Documentation at the Institute of Linguistics and Translation Studies of Jagiellonian University in Kraków, University Professor in the Department of Hungarian Studies of the same institute, ordinary member of Academia Europaea (Section Classics & Oriental Studies).
He studied Turkish and Hungarian philology at the Jagiellonian University and holds a PhD degree in Linguistics (2011) and a habilitation (post-doctoral) degree (2020) in Linguistics. In years 2015–2017 an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research fellow at the Institut für Slavistik, Turkologie und zirkumbaltische Studien (Abteilung Turkologie) of the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz.
His main interests lie in historical linguistics and etymology; with a special focus, on the one hand, on the history of the Karaim language and, on the other hand, on the history of the Turkic and Slavonic elements of the Hungarian lexicon. In years 2012–2018, he was the principal investigator of two projects entitled A catalogue of Karaim manuscripts and old prints (2015–2015) and The oldest known Western Karaim Bible Translation (2015–2019) — both financed by the National Science Centre of Poland. Principal Investigator of the ERC project entitled (Re)constructing a Bible. A new approach to unedited Biblical manuscripts as sources for the early history of the Karaim language. He was awarded scholarships and prizes for outstanding schlarly work, among others the Zoltán Gombocz Medal and Prize (2014) of the Society Of Hungarian Linguistics and a scholarship of the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education for outstanding young scholars (2015–2018). He authored more than fifty works (books, articles, and a database) devoted to his fields of interest. Editorial board member of the journals Almanach Karaimski and the International Journal of Eurasian Linguistics (Brill).
E-mail address: michal.nemeth@uj.edu.pl. Website: michalnemeth.academia.edu. ORCID: 0000-0002-4720-7637.