Adam Dubiński
Adam J. Dubiński, MA, graduated from the dep. of Arabic Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies at the University of Warsaw.
His main field of interest is the history of Karaims, with special regards to the activity of Karaims in Warsaw as well as the history of Karaim tobacco merchants and producers. Initiator, and then in 2018 coordinator of the project of audio documentation of the last speakers of the spoken Karaim language in Lithuania and Poland. The last result of his research is a virtual map of Karaim presence in Warsaw before World War I, available at mapy.karaimi.eu. For many years has been actively participating in the social, cultural, and scholarly life of the Karaim minority. Working in the Karaim environment and in organizations associated with it, has gained experience by taking part in various social activities, as well as in obtaining funds for the implementation of such activities as part of the NGO activity. Since 2008 holds the position of treasurer of the Polish Karaim Association (Związek Karaimów Polskich). Since 2015 he is the Chairman of the Board of the Karaim Heritage Foundation (Fundacja Karaimskie Dziedzictwo). Member of the editorial board of the Karaim periodical Awazymyz, the Digital Karaim Archives, and the websites www.karaimi.org and
www.fundacja.karaimi.eu.E-mail address: ad-am.dubinski@uj.edu.pl. ORCID: 0000-0003-4124-6827.